Please click HERE for the latest WAV Q Thing #2.
The Q thing was developed to make the playback (cueing) of recorded music and sound effects more controllable and instinctive, thereby giving much greater freedom for improvisation and cue timing within performances. Traditionally solo performers struggle with activating their music and sound effects, as most MP3 players are not designed for this type of use. Since they tend to be too delicate or temperamental they inevitably misbehave or break. All too often just as a performer is ready to start, the equipment isn’t and the moment is gone. In an ideal world a performer would click their fingers and a track would start…..welcome to the Q thing.
The Q thing is also a great pocket partner for musicians requiring backing tracks, theatre technicians working to sound cues, interactive sound installations and many many more applications.

1. MicroSD card slot
2. Shuttle Control (play/stop/next/previous)
3. Output (screw locking 3.5mm stereo)
4. On/Off switch / status indicator light
5. Switching sockets
6. Playback buttons
7. 9v battery
Essentially it is an MP3 player with :
- Buttons allocated to individual sound files
- Sound files can be remotely triggered by use of magnets, pressure pads and tilt switches etc
- Almost instant playback
- Runs from a micro SD card and 9v battery
- Programmable functions for volume, play mode, track sequence etc
Q thing reviews
Just a quick one to thank you again for this amazing Q thing. After two shows of it working perfectly, I decided to re arrange the configuration of a few buttons. It seemed a bit scary at first but your instructions were perfect. This really is the dogs doo dahs. It has already elevated my show another 50% and now the sky’s the limit.
Matt Edwards – Magician
I’m really happy with it, I’ve used it a few times in the show now and it’s working great.
Fraser Hooper
I found the Q thing perfect for loading with a number of cues and spot sounds which I could launch at will during R&D or rehearsals. It’s robust and the threaded sockets make connections very reliable so it’s perfect for theatre work. I also found it very easy to operate in a darkened auditorium. One of the best things about Q Thing is being able to hand it to a performer who can use it immediately with minimal instruction because operation is so simple. The remote switching options offer ‘invisible’ operation on stage.
Jonathan Lambert – Composer
Nick I just love it, this is absolutely fantastic.
Gazzo – Magician
I am learning to use the Q thing, I find it great.
Pierrick Quebec
I’m very impressed with this piece of kit – it’s very versatile and the music files start instantly which ever way you trigger them, with no annoying hibernation modes kicking in either. Thanks for making this available to the rest of us – I hope you sell lots.
Bernie Bennett

Control your music and sound effects wirelessly with a ‘keyfob’:
- 4 of the Q thing switching sockets can be controlled by the Q remote eg play, stop, next track, previous track.
- The 4 connectors on the Q remote are inserted into 4 of the switching sockets of the Q thing, and each of the corresponding Q thing buttons can now be controlled via the 4 buttons on the ‘keyfob’.
- Remote kit contains 1 x Q remote receiver and 2 x keyfobs. Maximum range is approximately 100ft or 30m.
- Each keyfob emits a highly secure RF signal, which appears as a random encrypted data stream.
- Maximum range is approximately 250ft / 80m in ideal conditions.
- Keyfobs can also be operated via magnets eg magnetic ring.
- The Q remote can learn new keyfob identities and be paired with several simultaneously.
- Q remote runs on 1 x 9v PP3 battery, keyfob runs on 1 x 12v 27A type battery.
Wear your Q thing and remotely control all of your sound with Q link.

Q thing output can be mixed via a Q link with your microphone signal, and transmitted as one signal to your radio mic receiver and PA system.
Imagine wearing a costume with invisible magnetic sensitive switches sewn into it, and as a magnetised ring is passed over the switches music tracks are controlled; or pressure switches are hidden within shoes to control sound effects; or a tilt switch is attached to a prop – the controlling options are almost endless to cue both sound effects and music.
The Q thing can be ordered with up to a total of 12 Switching Sockets. Each of these sockets can be connected to a variety of external switches, which when activated play the corresponding audio track. The different external switches can be unplugged and moved to alternative sockets as required.

Pressing button #12 on the Q thing plays track #12. Moving a magnet near the switch #12 also plays track #12. Pressing button #9 on the Q thing plays track #9. Tilting the switch #9 also plays track #9 etc!
- External switches (magnetic, tilt, press etc) can be unplugged and moved as required
- Switching Sockets are screw locking
- Q thing can be supplied with up to 12 Switching Sockets
Switching options
Magnetic Sensitive Switch
Magnetic sensitive switches can be sewn into costume or attached by Velcro. Move a magnet near the switch and a sound file will be activated. Standard cable length is 75cm – Longer lengths can be supplied to order.
Pressure Switch
Small push button switches can be sewn into costume or attached by Velcro. Press the switch and a sound file will be activated. Standard cable length is 75cm – longer lengths can be supplied to order.
Tilt Switch
Switches that are sensitive to their orientation can be sewn into costume or attached by Velcro. Tilt the switch and a sound file will be activated. Standard cable length is 75cm – longer lengths can be supplied to order.
Custom switching activation options are possible – please contact me to discuss your requirements.
For full specifications, price list, and order from please contact.